End Goal: You Should Always Have One

You’ll never make it to your destination or achieve what you want without an end goal in mind.

Have you ever known or been friends with someone who seems to have everything together?

They’re confident, goal-oriented, ambitious, and they always have their head in the clouds.

Chasing after ALL their big dreams and aspirations.

You may even become envious of these people. Because you’re sitting here like, “what am I doing with my life?”

Like really. What the hell am I doing with my life?

We all have those moments — even the people who seem to know what they’re doing.

But what about you?

  • What do you want to do?
  • What were you meant to do?
  • What’s the ONE thing you want to remember for?

Think long and hard about that. And then…

Stop spending your days on repeat. Just showing up to your dead-end job on an endless routine that seems to take you nowhere.

It’s time to get up and define who you are.

And what drives you toward your purpose – only then can you understand what your end goal is.

But, How Do I Do This?


First, you must ask yourself a series of questions.

And then, depending on your answers, make small goals and then take action. Complete each step.

Her are Some Possible Questions:

  • What do you like to do? (Arts and crafts, spend time with family, engage in DIY activities, write, talk, paint, etc.)
  • What type of people do I like hanging out with? (Define your best friend and their traits and characteristics. Why are you their best friend?)
  • What are your interests? (Pets, relationships, cars, gardening, home improvement, videogames, etc.)
  • Who are you? (Kind, honest, manipulative, bold, affectionate, ambitious, etc.)
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? (Good conversationalist, horrible artist, weak problem-solver, excellent project managing skills)

Now, Let’s Create an Example:

Let’s say I was a person who loved to talk. I promise you I’m not.

But for this example I am.

My best friend was a bold and down-to-earth individual. My interests were pets and gardening.

And I’m a brave and affectionate person.

Now, I’d want to think back to when I engaged in spending time with my family. And I was always the center of attention, so my strengths would be problem-solving, making friends, and becoming a leader.

However, the only thing that got me through rough times would be when I was spending time with my dog or gardening outside.

Rain or shine.

Since I’m good with plants, dogs, and people, I’d start trying to figure out what careers allow me to do that.

A quick Google search will give me some answers.

For example, in the search box, I’d type “working with animals.” And a list of careers such as dog/cat trainer, groomer, and veterinary assistant comes up.

As I continue to my research, it’s like my heart flutters in my chest. And I get excited. So then I look for training and opportunities to get the ball rolling. And so on.

In this example, I found my end goal by working my way through the questions I listed above.

5 Other Ways to Find Your End Goal

1) Ask for Feedback

Find your best friend and family members that know you the best. Ask them the previous questions about you.

And take some notes.

Explain to them you need to fulfill your end goal one day, but you have no idea where to start.

Jot down their answers and go through them later on to understand more about yourself.

2) Take a Personality Test

Personality tests can be helpful because they help you understand your true motives and desires.

They answer the question – what makes me who I am?

Once you have your result, start searching for courses you’re interested in taking.

These can even be online courses. But find something you feel would come naturally to you.

For example, an ENTP person is intelligent and expressive. So they would be great at management, leadership, and things involving the public.

You may also find things out about yourself that you didn’t know before, creating more hobbies and opportunities for you to try something new.

3) Define Your Weaknesses

If you’re an animal lover, then one of your weaknesses may be seeing any animal in pain or suffering.

If you love to paint and draw, your weakness might be you can be an over-achiever when it comes to your artistic skills. Making you a perfectionist.

If you’re great with children, you may feel disappointed when you see a child struggling.

Then again, we tend to see weaknesses as a bad thing.

But we should change how we view our weaknesses. Instead, look at them and know you can do something about them.

For example, seeing a person you know go through a tough time or unfortunate situation will tug at your heart.

And make you want to help them out as much as possible.

But suppose you aren’t fully equipped. Or don’t understand how to handle what they might be going through on your own. You’d probably reach out to someone else for help who does.

Which would set the ball in motion for you to learn how to help others in a similar situation who are in need next time.

Because every weakness is an opportunity to learn.

4) What Comes Naturally to You?

Have you ever sat down to do something which felt like maybe thirty minutes, but then you look up, and it’s been three hours!

Yeah, that happens. What was it?

Part of figuring out your purpose and having an end goal is identifying what comes so easy to you that you lose track of time engaging in it.

When you can do this, you can work on your weaknesses surrounding your interest. And build up your strengths to master what you love.

5) Reflect on Your Past

Ask yourself a series of questions.

  1. Where did I go to school?
  2. How many schools did I go to?
  3. What type of people did I meet, and who did I get along with most?
  4. What did I spend most of my time doing as a child and teenager?
  5. Where did I grow up?
  6. What was growing up back home like?
  7. What drives and motivates me to behave and act the way I do?

Your life experiences alter and shape who you are today. But it never defines your future.

Because only you have control of where you want your life to go. Every person has talents, skills, strengths, weaknesses, and interests.

It’s up to you to figure out what your true calling is.

But when you have identified what makes you who you are. What drives you towards success. And what you’re willing to fail over and over again doing, then you can take all of this and create an end goal.

And using my previous example, the one where you love to garden and spend time with your dog.

Your end goal might look like – having a house on a large property with animals, a huge garden, and orchards with fruit trees.

5) Imagine Your End Goal

See it in your mind.

  1. Ask yourself, what would make me happy?
  2. How would I feel if I had accomplished this goal?
  3. Who would I become in the process?

If the image of what you desire doesn’t make your heart full of joy and your eyes glossy with temptation, then you need to keep on searching.

Be patient with yourself.

You may not find what you’re looking for right this second. But now that you’ve thought about it, you’ve planted a seed into the universe.

Opportunities are everywhere – be on the lookout.

Continuously engage in the things you love to do. Become yourself unapologetically. And take risks and see what happens.

Now, Let’s Talk About Setbacks

One of the main reasons why you might fail or fall off track is due to excuses. Or falling into the same old habits as before.

But, you can counteract this behavior by keeping a journal.

Jot down the ideas and advice you get from others in life. And then come back to this after following the previous steps.

Write down the answers to the questions above.

And then, make it your goal to accomplish one thing every day to bring you one step closer to your end goal. Stick to your plan and stay positive.

And remember: with every failure, there’s a lesson behind it.

So let’s say you failed a test following a college course. Or you made a mistake on a project you’re working on.

You can use this as motivation to press and continue forward. But remember you have a choice here.

You can see your failure as an excuse to fall off track. Or you can use it to push forward, build, and grow towards the success that’s coming your way.

Part of finding your purpose in life is creating your own destiny. You’re not following in anyone else’s footsteps except your own.

However, there will be times where you create these big beautiful goals. And then the next day or even a week later, you find yourself doing the same routine as before.

It’s like you can’t escape your past. But the simple fix to that is to stop creating excuses!

Find a Way – Get Shit Done

Make it a habit every day to do something that brings you closer to your destination.

Like researching your hobbies, or something you’re working on.

But as long as you strive to complete your life’s purpose. Your end goal, you’ll always be a happier, more confident you.

Note: Finding and doing what you love WILL require a lot of patience, self-awareness, motivation, sacrifice, and confidence.

You can do whatever you set your mind to. The question is…

How bad do you want it?

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