The Principle of Time Management
If you wanna make the most of your time on Earth, learn the principle of time management.
Because when you’re working hard to improve your life,
And no matter how hard you’re willing to work, if your time gets away from you, you’re just going to end up tired.
Instead of being productive.
Time Isn’t Money
It’s very possible to find a $20 bill on the sidewalk.
But you will never find even five seconds lying along your life path. Time is much more important than money.
That being said, you can do things with your time that can make your life easier and even bring in more money.
The tools you need to manage your time efficiently are quite simple.
Tools for Wise Time Use
Start with a timer.
Your phone probably has one; go ahead and power it up when you sit down to work.
With a timer running, it’s easier to focus.
Other ways you can be efficient with using the principle of time management include:
- Unplugging your laptop and working hard until the battery is low
- Turning on a favorite album and focusing on the task until the last song plays
- Walking on your treadmill while watching your favorite television show
It’s much easier to pair something you need to do with something you want to do, like pairing working out with what you want to do, like watching a TV series.
Or listening to an audiobook or podcast when running errands.
After you see and understand this principle of time management, there are many tools and different ways for you to make better use of your time.
Don’t Multitask
It’s said multitasking is just a fancy name for being constantly distracted.
But I think, if you can find a way to move your body while feeding your mind, both can benefit.
One multitasking method that can be highly effective is putting a tough problem in your personal computer (your brain) before bed.
When done repeatedly, you let your brain work through tough challenges overnight.
And when done often, you get to see what creative solutions your brain comes up with. For example, you may find that an answer pops up on your morning walk or while you’re in the shower.
Or even a few days later.
And there’s a reason “Aha!” moments show up when we’re doing something habitually.
Because once you’re acting out a habitual behavior, the mind’s higher function is free to flip over problems and study them from all types of different angles.
Creating excellent habits, and making better choices from – food to hydration to exercise to work, empowers and strengthens higher brain flexibility and function.
Allowing you to make better use of your time.
Pay Attention to Time of Day
Another important principle of time management in your own schedule can largely be tied to the time of day.
Take a hard look at when you’re most motivated to make good decisions. For many of us, this is after a decent night’s rest. Why?
Sleep cleanses the brain of toxins.
And when you wake up the next day, your morning brain is actually best prepared for big decisions.
So take the steps necessary to protect that time early in the day.
For example, you could:
- Eat the same thing for breakfast each day, or a rotation of just a few foods
- Prep your clothing for the week on the weekends or the night before
- Prep your first project of the day before you go to bed
Because every decision you make takes thought and energy. This will eventually burn up brainpower.
And those first few hours and your good morning brain are far too precious to burn on picking a cereal or choosing your clothing.
Do these activities when your brain is tired at night or before going to bed. And save your morning brain for more important decisions.
Note – You are in complte control when it comes to the principle of time management.
Watch Your Habits
For those who are unhappy with the amount of time they waste, it’s important to look at your daily habits.
A habit is anything you do automatically.
Habits are a form of brain efficiency; if you don’t have to think about the process for the next few minutes, your brain can be off focusing on something else.
If picking up your phone is a habit, and you’re checking on the results of a proposal you emailed to a prospective client, your habit is working for you.
But if you’re always picking up your phone to check your social media accounts, play a game, or check the news, your habit is working against you.
Habits Include Four Steps:
- Cue: my phone is there; I should check that email
- Craving: I really want this client to sign up
- Response: I either have to keep waiting, or I don’t get the project sold
- Reward: I’m going to watch baby goat videos on social media
The result of a good habit (working from your phone) which then goes bad (wasting time on your phone) = Your brain gets a break while your productivity goes down.
Want to fix a habit like this?
Start removing games and social media apps from your phone. This is a great step on your journey of making better use of time lost scrolling on your smartphone.
Respect the Schedules of Others
If you’re working hard to put your time to better use, remember the importance of time to others.
Don’t be late. Get to:
- Work
- Church
- Exercise class
- Lunch with friends
And more on time or even early.
Make it a habit to leave five minutes early.
And if you’re always late or scrambling, set all the clocks in the house five to ten minutes ahead of time and reward yourself on the days when you arrive on time or early.
Some people use procrastination as a way to “rev up” a project.
While this can feel useful when you’re completely wired on caffeine and coffee so you can write all night and finish up that paper, procrastination doesn’t really promote creativity.
To avoid procrastination, try using lists.
And pay attention to the difference between projects (clean my apartment) and tasks (vacuum the bedroom).
Many tasks make up a project.
Once you start logging those tasks and working through them, your projects will become less daunting.
But changing your habits when it comes to time management and the best use of your time isn’t easy. And if you’ve been beating yourself up about wasting time or being late for a while now, it’s not working.
Try something different, like rewarding yourself when you make good choices and decisions.
Rewarding yourself will help you take action instead of putting things off.
Final Thoughts on The Principle of Time Management
At the end of your life, there will be a number.
A very personal number.
One that only you will have. It’ll be your time.
Your number will = the years, months, days, and hours you have lived all the way down to the very second until you passed away.
We all have a number. And a limited amount of time. What will you do with yours?
Because you can do a lot of different things with your time, but you can’t do everything with the limited amount of time you do have.
And there are thousands of different distractions fighting for your time.
This is why you must choose and schedule time for what you want to do. And one day, be remembered for it.
Because if you don’t, your habits and others will find something for you to focus on.