How to Never Work Again
Do you like your job? Or are you busy trying to figure out how to never work again?
If so, this content may not be for you.
But if you want to change careers, become your own boss, work less. Or maybe never have to work again, this is for YOU.
I’m going to describe how you can never work again. And finally, pursue your dreams!
Because it’s pretty simple. You just need a reason to never want to work again. Know what you’re good at. Save and invest your money, and know your options.
That and some simple changes can help you finally enjoy what you do.
Plus Why Would You Ever Want to Work Again?
I mean work isn’t always a bad thing.
If you want to eat, have some shelter and wear some clothes (or even enjoy some other luxuries), you need some money.
And money, as everyone knows, doesn’t grow on trees. But it does require a bit of hustle. Some people master the hustle mentality or accept the daily grind.
While others get left behind and passed over at work.
And yes, everyone has different preferences. But let’s face it: at some point, work sucks.
Maybe it’s the commute, or your coworkers, or your boss.
Maybe you show up on time. You work hard, and you’re cordial. Only to get passed over for your promotion.
Maybe you’ve been laid off. Or have difficulty getting vacation time. Or you find yourself working away at a dead-end job.
And every job comes with its own unique set of challenges.
Some are rougher than others. Many blue-collar work and trades are demanding on the body.
Shift work can take a toll on your sleep cycle. And other professions require years of school and a shit ton of debt. Just so you can say you’re “qualified” to work long, stressful hours.
So it’s no wonder many of us end up gray, overweight, and burned out by the end of our careers.
Work can be stressful.
To the point where it might take a negative toll on our health for the rest of our lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Work can be something that not only helps you live the life you want but also make you feel better.
The key to achieving this work-life balance is to start asking some questions.
How to Determine Your Work and Life Goals
There are many important questions you can ask yourself in order to better enjoy your career.
And hopefully, realize how to never work again like:
- Does work have to be stressful?
- What can I do so that I don’t feel like I’m surviving but thriving?
- What kind of job can help me achieve balance between work and my life?
- And if I’m going to never work again: What am I working for?
That last question might seem like a crazy question.
And you’re probably thinking to yourself, “I work because I’m supposed to” or “I work so I can live.”
But the difference between many of those who are succeeding and those who are not is this — the people who succeed know what they’re trying to accomplish.
They have a WHY.
And understand why they get up and go to work each day.
Choose Happiness Not Money
Many define success as being wealthy.
Nice cars, nice houses, nice clothes, and being surrounded by pretty people — with a cherry on top.
And while we may think this is the life, or lifestyle we should be living once we’re successful. This is really the lifestyle of people who are good at earning a lot of money.
People who are good at handling money. And people who have expensive taste.
- What if working less, or never working again, means you can spend more time working on a hobby you could turn into a career?
- Spending more time with your kids or grandchildren?
- What if it means spending more time working in your garden?
- Taking that trip to Jamaica, Hawaii, or someplace else you’ve always wanted to travel?
Not working again doesn’t mean you NEED to be the greatest at something. You don’t need unique skills and rare attributes to be filthy rich.
It means knowing what life you are trying to live and having the financial resources to pay for it.
If you have expensive tastes, then you’re going to have to beg, borrow, steal or at least hustle your way there.
If you have simple tastes or goals, or just want to enjoy the occasional, modest luxury while you’re not working, then achieving these goals will be much easier.
Happiness is personal.
So knowing what will truly make you happy is key. Money can’t buy you everything, but it certainly helps to know how much the things you enjoy cost, as well.
How to Work Better
This is not about learning or knowing how to work more.
Instead, I’m talking about how to be more effective and potentially enjoy work more.
Because let’s keep it real, everyone needs something to work on.
If not you’re gonna find yourself bored. You’ll be sitting at home watching Netflix. Or chillin’ all the time. Getting drunk, high, or soaking up the sun on the beach gets old after a while.
So the issue you might be having is:
- Ya just don’t like what you’re doing
- Who you’re doing it for
- Or how often you’re doing it
And while it’s tempting to just quit your job and chase after your dream life, things just might not work out how you think.
There are many stories of people quitting their jobs without a plan. And they have limited or no success (starving artist, anyone?).
Which is why before you make any changes, consider the following questions:
- What kind of problems am I good at solving?
- How can I use this problem solving to help other people?
- Is this something I would enjoy doing even if I’m having a very bad fu*king day?
Cuz’ life’s not perfect.
We all have our good days and our bad days. And even if you’re living the good life, at most jobs and in most businesses you’ll be interacting with people in some way.
And even people with a ton of money still have problems. “Mo’ money, mo problems.”
The job you have is simply providing a service to someone else. Whether you’re a custodian, a mechanic, a doctor, or a CEO.
Figuring out the problems you can solve, and solve well, will help you to focus on the skills and scenarios that’ll increase your chances of solving these problems.
Because when you know what you can solve, it helps you focus more on who’ll benefit from your solutions.
And if you can do all of this when you’re having a bad day, then think of how much better and easier you’ll be able to perform when you’re having a good day.
When you’re spending more time successfully solving other people’s problems.
How This Can Help Your Situation Now
Knowing what you can do well might help you focus on the job you already have. And re-examine what you can contribute.
You might’ve missed out on a promotion.
All because you did everything you think you should’ve been doing. Instead of doing everything that helps others believe their problems are being solved.
And if you know your problem-solving skills could be better used and make you more money somewhere else — focus on a specific business. Or customers who’ll one day appreciate your skillset.
Focusing on what problems you can solve will help you narrow down possible training programs. And help you gain the skills you need to successfully solve other peoples’ problems.
Note: People who succeed and are compensated well for it are those who are BEST equipped and able to solve the problems others need solving.
Save Like You Never Want to Work Again
Having a high-paying job is great.
But if you want to know how to never work again, you have to start saving.
It’s simple economics: if you have a job that makes 100k a year but your
Once you know what you’re working for, and how much it will cost, then the key is to start saving!
Because once you stop working, you will be reducing your main
Do These 3 Things to Become a Successful Saver:
- Consistently move
income into a money market savings account - Reduce
expenses and waste - Avoid debt where possible
You can save money by hiding cash under your mattress. But it’s much more sensible and secure to take a portion of your paycheck (start with at least 10%) and put it in an interest-bearing account.
That way it’s stored, protected, and earning interest while you sleep.
And while you’re saving this money, it’s also just as important to be mindful about your consumption.
- Do you need to buy a shirt on retail, or would you be just as happy when it goes on sale (or is on clearance, or purchased from a thrift store)?
- Do you really need a new shirt if you’re only going to wear it once or twice and then never wear it again, donate it or worse, throw it away?
Because a surprising amount of our money is wasted on clothing, food, and technology.
And any money you’re not spending is money you can save so you don’t have to work. Plus, not spending can help you avoid debt whenever possible.
There are some exceptions though.
Like using debt to help you earn more money. Or when it’ll help you earn money later on, like when you buy an investment property or condominium.
But — buying on credit or taking out loans to finance furniture purchases, appliances, vacations you can’t afford or even cars is just wrong.
It’s a losing game if your goal is to learn how to never work again.
Would you rather have more money later and buy a nicer car then. Or splurge on a new car now, losing money every day it sits in your driveway (especially when it’ll need repairs…)?
Hopefully, you want more money later.
Because not splurging and avoiding debt, paying off your debt as fast as possible, and saving as much as possible is very important if you want to find out how to never work again.
Investing So You Can Never Work Again
You don’t have to be the Wolf of Wall Street to earn money from
The key to investing is knowing your risk level.
How much money can you invest consistently? And how long can you go without touching it and let it do its thing?
Because there are many different investment options. But not all of them are good.
Certificates of deposits and money market accounts, both offered by most banks, are a very secure way of earning interest.
They’re slightly more than most interest-bearing accounts (generally 1-3% of your total amount invested).
If you’re willing to take on more risk, consider different bonds. Like treasury bonds, municipal bonds, or corporate bonds.
Note: The safer the investment (Ex. Treasury Bonds) the lower the money earned. The longer you’re willing to wait, the higher the interest. Which means a higher return and more money earned.
While bonds can default or be “called” and end the life of the bond, they’re generally a pretty stable investment.
They have the benefit of being paid in the event a company or municipality goes bankrupt.
And for those willing to take on more risk, there are stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, REITS, options, real estate, and more.
But the greater the risk, the greater the return. And the greater the potential loss.
So it’s worth researching a company before
When you’re starting out, particularly with stocks, start slow (such as 2-5% of your yearly
A major goal I set for myself is to invest 100k and then sit back, be patient, and watch my money grow over time.
There are many online brokerage accounts. Most of which don’t even require a fee to set up an account.
They make it pretty easy. And when you’re ready, I suggest looking at index funds. Pick a few and hold onto them for a long period of time, for example, 10-25+ years. The best book on the subject is written by JL Collins.
Index funds have a great rate of return compared to individual stocks that are traded more frequently.
And with individual stocks when you hold them for less than a year and sell, you have to pay more taxes on them.
Real Estate and Starting Your Own Business
If you’re really trying to earn on your investment, consider starting a business, financing a business, or even buying a property.
There are many different ways for you to get into real estate and property ownership.
You could look into distressed housing on the foreclosure market. Which allows for greater returns when you fix and renovate the property.
And if you’re low on money and can’t secure a loan, consider creating a promissory note with the original owner as another way to acquire the property.
Or look into starting a business. It has similar benefits to owning and selling properties.
You can even start a business and earn
But, if you don’t want to start and run a business, you can make a small investment in a start-up or pre-existing business. And then earn a percentage or profit from the business.
Just know there are a variety of ways to invest. You just need to do YOUR research.
Be knowledgeable about what you’re doing. And remember, successful investors, make money from assets and ownership.
That is the key to never having to work again.
Using Community Investments to Never Work Again
They say it takes a village to raise a child.
But it also takes a village to build wealth. And you can work with your community or those you wish to work with to not only increase your wealth. But also help increase theirs as well.
First, consider sharing various capital
So let’s say you want to start a bakery.
If you don’t want to work for a baker, you could ask to share space and equipment for a fee or work-trade.
You could even borrow equipment from a friend. Then trade some of your baked treats with whoever does web design to help build you a web page. That way you can show the world and your community your baked goods.
The possibilities are nearly limitless.
But operate on the principle — more minds are better than one. And what goes around, comes around.
If you help your neighbors and include them in your investment goals, particularly if they’re working towards the same goal, then you not only can get extra help.
But also spread your customer base and support network through their contacts.
If someone else owns the equipment or has skills you’d only need occasionally, it makes sense to share with them. Rather than invest your time and money to acquire the same skills or equipment.
And keeping in mind creating wealth requires a degree of social separation.
Especially from people who aren’t willing to support your efforts. If you feel there are people in your life who don’t want to see you succeed.
Or who just want to mooch off your newly acquired wealth, you may have to cut them off or find new friends.
Keeping Your Eye On The Prize
It takes work to not have to work again. However, in the end, the work pays for itself.
It’s about working smarter, not harder.
And if you’re one of the many who drive to and from work, just think of the added life value you’d get from not spending the time, money, and energy just to get to work:
- You can focus your energy on a stay-at-home job
- Save to work less
- Or you can invest in a completely different career
Because when you actually achieve your goal of a work-free life, you can spend your time — relaxing, traveling, developing hobbies, or spending time with those you love.
Spending wisely,
Just keep moving forward towards your work-free life.
Because in the end, nothing’s better than knowing and having the option to never work again.