Taking Action: How to Get What You Want in Life

Taking action will transform your life and help you achieve your desired outcomes.

But, often, we set ambitious goals and dreams without backing them with purposeful steps and consistent efforts.

So these goals may never materialize. But, let’s change that with this article.

We’re going to talk about:

  • The concept of ‘taking action’.
  • Identifying your goals
  • The importance and effects of taking action.
  • Common barriers to taking action and suggestions on how to overcome them.
  • Practical, tried and tested strategies and tips for taking action.

That way, you can act without holding yourself back from taking the action(s) you want.

A desk with books and a bottle of water, inspiring you to take action.

Understanding the Concept of ‘Taking Action’

Taking action is more than just a buzzword.

It’s a concept that, when genuinely grasped, can radically reshape the trajectories of our life. But what does it truly mean? Let’s break it down.

  • At its core, ‘Taking Action’ is moving from the realm of thought into the world of doing. It’s translating ideas and intentions into tangible steps or activities.
  • It’s about taking your vision- your plans, dreams, or goals- and turning them into reality. It’s applying the notion, ‘less talk, more action’.
  • Taking action is dynamic. It involves decision-making, strategizing, and sometimes risk-taking. It requires courage, commitment, and a dose of audacity.
  • But here’s the catchy part. It’s not about massive, life-altering steps always. Sometimes, it’s those small, consistent actions- a stone’s throw in the sea- that lead to significant change.
  • It’s can also be entirely individual. Action can look different for each of us, depending on our goals, our context, and our capabilities. What matters is moving from idea to execution, however, that manifests for you.

And to sum it all up, just remember, every action you take is a brick in the foundation of your life’s construction.

Identifying Your Goals

Goals act as beacons, guiding us through our life’s journey.

Setting specific goals is crucial for you as it was for the tech company Apple to revolutionize technology and Usain Bolt to become the fastest man on earth.

To identify your goals, start with self-reflection and consider what truly matters to you. Seek inspiration from your heroes, visualize your ideal future, and break down this vision into attainable steps.

Practical Steps You Can Take to Set Goals

Start by writing your specific goals with concrete objectives. Focus on what you want to achieve rather than on what you want to avoid.

Because when you define your goals precisely, you can create a roadmap to reach them.

Next, prioritize your goals. Identify which ones are the most important and allocate your time, energy, and resources accordingly. Set achievable short-term goals that break your long-term objectives into smaller, manageable pieces.

And to stay on track, establish regular milestones.

Monitor your progress by setting check-in points along the way. And celebrate your successes, reflect on the setbacks, and adjust your plans as needed.

The Role of Values and Passion

Incorporating your personal values and passion is essential to setting meaningful goals that align with your true self. Reflect on what is most important to you. Is it family, career, personal growth, or community involvement?

Once identified, let these values guide your goal-setting journey.

Connecting with your passions is equally important in driving motivation and ensuring sustained efforts towards goal achievement. When you pursue goals that excite and inspire you, you’ll maintain the needed focus and persistence to succeed.

But why is taking action so important? Let’s explore that next.

The Importance of Taking Action

Taking action is not just a motivational concept.

It’s a fundamental building block of success in any area of life, be it personal, professional, or communal.

Knowing how important it is to take action can encourage us to make it a habit.

  • Action Leads to Personal Growth: Regularly embracing the concept of taking action creates personal growth. With each step taken, we learn, evolve, and progress. We discover new strengths, learn fascinating aspects about ourselves, and become the best versions of ourselves.
  • Creating Change: It’s normal to crave change when we face monotony or dissatisfaction. It was 100% this way for me when I worked for an employer and did the same thing repeatedly. But when we change, our circumstances begin with us taking action. Whether it’s moving to a new city, changing careers, starting a new fitness plan, or learning a new skill, our actions are the catalysts for the change we seek.
  • Success Stories: Countless success stories underscore the power of taking action. Consider household names like Steve Harvey, Dana White, or Oprah Winfrey. All of them began their journey towards success with the decision to act. Their lives are a testament to the incredible results taking action can yield.

With every step and action taken, we get closer to creating the life we want.

Common Barriers to Taking Action and Overcoming Them

Knowing what’s stopping you, and how to overcome it is liberating.

Because at some point, all of us will face an obstacle. And we should know how to overcome them. Here are some common things that I think will hold you back and how to overcome them.

Fear of Failure

  • It’s natural to be afraid of failing. But don’t let this fear stop you from taking action. Accept failure as a big part of success. Every fruitless attempt is one step closer to a fruitful victory.


  • Procrastination is often a result of feeling overwhelmed. So, break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and celebrate your small wins. When you develop mini-goals, taking action becomes less intimidating.

Lack of Motivation

  • Maintain a positive mindset and surround yourself with inspiration. Set realistic and attainable goals you can hit along the way to keep you motivated to take action.


  • Believe in yourself and your capabilities. Remember your past successes and triumphs when self-doubt pops into your mind. Seek support from any mentors and friends to boost your confidence and reassure you.

6 Practical Solutions for Taking Actions

  1. Embrace Failure: Don’t view failure as a setback. Instead, see it as a learning opportunity.
  2. Develop a Routine: A routine can help minimize the effects of procrastination. By establishing a habitual pattern, you’re more likely to take action.
  3. Stay Positive: Maintain a positive attitude and surround yourself with motivational influences. Reading success stories or quotes can also inspire action.
  4. Self-Belief and Confidence: Believe in your abilities. Confidence comes from positive self-belief, so keep thinking positively about yourself.
  5. Start with the Hardest Task First: Procrastination often stems from the fear of facing the strenuous or complex tasks first. Counter this by starting your day with the most challenging tasks. Once you conquer the hardest, the rest will feel like a breeze.
  6. Practice Persistence: Persistence is crucial when it comes to taking action. You might not always achieve your desired result in the first go, but continuous effort and determination often lead to eventual success.

Overcoming barriers to taking action is possible.

Whether it’s the fear of failure, procrastination, or self-doubt, you have the power to overcome them. Every tiny action you take brings you one step closer to your goal.

Find your courage, face the odds, and step to your dreams. You might even have to remove distractions and external influences that negatively impact your focus.

How to Respond to Criticism and Setbacks

Criticism and setbacks are common when you’re taking action. But, you can be manage it effectively with a resilient mindset. When faced with criticism, evaluate the feedback for any potential validity and use it as an opportunity to learn and improve.

Setbacks, on the other hand, can be discouraging. But, they’re often inevitable.

Instead of dwelling on these setbacks, acknowledge them. Then adapt your strategy, and return to your goal with renewed determination.

And with a growth mindset, you’ll maintain confidence in your ability to overcome obstacles and continue taking meaningful action.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

A growth mindset encourages individuals to view challenges as opportunities for growth, while recognizing that failure is a natural part of the learning process.

This mindset can help you be more resilient and committed to your personal and professional growth.

To cultivate a growth mindset, focus on setting process-oriented goals that emphasize the steps or tasks required for progress. This approach shifts the focus away from the outcomes and emphasizes the experience and effort put forth in achieving them.

Paying attention to the process reinforces motivation and commitment, leading to positive feedback.

I Want to Leave You With This

Action is the ultimate equalizer in life.

All great people, no matter what the industry they’re in have taken action. Regardless of the talent they may or may not have, the deciding factor on whether they came out on top or not is due to taking action.

Action taken over a consistent amount of time will get you to your destination!  

Frequently Asked Questions About Taking Action

How does taking action lead to success?

Taking action is the first step toward achieving one’s goals. When individuals act on their plans and ideas, they make progress, learn from their experiences, and adapt to challenges. Plus, taking action can create momentum and motivation, which are essential factors for success.

What are some examples of effective action taking?

Effective action-taking involves setting goals, breaking tasks into smaller steps, and focusing on important activities. Proactive communication, staying organized, and practicing time management are useful strategies for effective action-taking.

Why is it essential to act on ideas?

Acting on ideas is crucial because it transforms concepts into tangible outcomes. Ideas alone hold little value. Only through execution can an individual begin to see the fruits of their efforts. Also, acting on ideas leads to innovation, personal growth, and a sense of accomplishment.

What does ‘taking action’ mean?

‘Taking action’ goes beyond simply doing something. It involves making conscious decisions and purposeful steps towards achieving a set goal or creating a desired change – be it in your personal life, professional career, or overall approach to everyday situations.

Why is taking action important?

The ability to take action is the key that turns dreams into reality. Without action, great ideas remain just ideas. Your proactive initiatives are what set the ball rolling towards achieving your aspirations.

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